Organised Lunchtime Play

Organised Lunchtime play is used to ensure children are making the most of their playtime through staying active whist playing fairly and safely.

Keeping the children engaged means less accidents and incidents occur whilst encouraging children to improve their social skills.

School feedback has suggested that children who partake in structured play return to class focussed and on task.

Organised play can be as easy as a class or year group who use a particular area of the playground, field or hall to play specific games and activities delivered by ESS coaches.

Wincey Nyakpenu, Parent

St Andrews School October Holiday Camp, Enfield – November 2020

“I just want to say my daughter had an amazing time. I was a little worried as she’s only 4 and had just started reception but want to encourage her to enjoy sports.

Thank you so much to the coaches that ran the sessions at St Andrews School Enfield. She had the best time and was so keen to keep active. Looking forward to sending her again GOD willing in the future once things are up running again.”